Poly Calcul Pro is a Windows software developed in 2006 which is an improvement of Poly Calcul. It had a tremendous new features like:
- Intercept theorem
- Pythagorean theorem
- Resolution of triangle with trigonometry
- Calculations over 65 geometric shapes(perimeter, volume, area)
- Calculation about Frame (linear algebra)
- Highest common factor and lowest common multiple
- Fraction with 2 numbers
- Probabilities experience
- Simplify square root
- Scientific calculator
- Simple operation on very big numbers
I sold this software 7 euros for the work that I've done.
You can find now the free version of the software here : PolyCalculProFree (Only French...)
Available on a famous French Website about Tech : http://www.clubic.com/telecharger-fiche25754-poly-calcul-pro.html
Old Website : http://oldpolycalcul.kevingermain.com